Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Lazy summer days...

It has been a lazy Tuesday around these parts. It is very humid and horrid! I hate when it is to hot to do anything. It really just puts a damper on your whole day. In non-lazy news I got to work a lot this weekend and yesterday! I have started to compile winter warmies for the shop :) I also an trying to get more of an inventory before the fall season. I kind of hate this time of year, the rush to get everything in order before the holidays. I like being able to create here and there and come up with new ideas at my own pace. I will post some new little sweets destine for their home in my shop :)
I have this strange ritual I do ..and I wondered if others do the same? I am not a knick-knacky person by any means, but I do have some shelf mates. The weird thing is a usually make vignette's of any little shelf items I have. Above is an example of a grouping on my bookshelf. I do it all the time! I think I have OCD!
But even though I have a place for everything in my little vignette's......my work desk always looks like this (see below)! I am one messy worker bee!

Well stay cool and make some frozen fresh fruit pops!

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